Saturday, January 10, 2009

fanfarlo, violens, twig

I'm not really one to pull together best of lists and I don't intend to become the sort who does them.

The three tracks below, as far as I know, were all released last year, but some of them are new to me as of the first 9 days of '09. I guess you could call them the best songs/bands I've heard in '09, if I were the type to...

Fanfarlo (London, England) wowed me a few years back with their song "Fire Escape". They released this video for their song "Harold T. Wilkins" yesterday, so it's still pipin' hot from from the presses. Great song, fun video.

Brian hyped me to Violens (NY, NY USA) last night during Swiftkicks. (It's likely I'm waaaaay behind on usual.) I liked what I heard over headphones so much that I scrawled the band's name on a matchbook and searched for them on eMusic, head and fingers full of beer, when I got home.

Unfortunately, I spelled it like the instrument (I instead of E before the NS) so nothing relevant came up. We straightened it out over email today and I came home and downloaded their EP right away. I've listened to it several times and am really, really liking it. It sounds more Shins-y the more I listen to it, which I think is a good thing. It's not exactly like the Shins - the 80s guitar pop influences are much more pronounced, which is something to savor; it's somewhere in the dynamic though.

Actually, come to think of it, I hear a healthy dose of
Mary Onettes in them, too.

Twig - Ciao Ciao Bomb

This Twig video is less than desirable for demonstration purposes, and unlike the tracks below, the video isn't the song I'm linking for download. Truth is, I don't think Twig has made a proper video. All of the stuff they have up on youtube and myspace are live performances and those things unnerve me because flowy blond locks that dangle off the head of the eggshaker guy. That's probably shallow of me to say and I don't mean it as a personal attack, but I can't help it, so I won't hold back!

Disastrous 'dos aside, Twig are a phenomenal band if you hunger for guitar pop in its stateliest form and don't mind blatant Orange Juice coppings (even the album's cover art is pure Postcard). I love those things, so I love this band!

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